
About Us

Leanne and Luke Potter
Luke Potter is an Electronic Systems Engineer and Computer Scientist with a passion for sustainable technologies that can help make our life easier and reduce our impact on the planet.  These technologies can be electronic and computer driven, but in the case of Budgeree House, these technologies also involve building products and techniques.  

 Luke applies his skills and knowledge in being an Owner Builder to provide a unique perspective of the planning, design, and construction of a sustainable home.  He also is keen to share the lessons he has learnt along the way from experts in the building industry. 

Luke seeks to challenge our thinking about sustainable building and living.  Being sustainable shouldn’t mean that you spend a fortune to achieve a meagre gain.  Being sustainable should mean that you can live a comfortable life, that you are able to lower your consumption, and that you can live in harmony with the earth and all living things around you. 

His aim is to share practical and affordable ideas for living a good life whilst reducing our impact on the planet.

Luke lives at Budgeree House with his wife Leanne, and his three children – Lauren, Ryan and James.